Background: We have been advised that the U.S stock of YF-VAX is depleted. Certain areas into which U.S. carriers fly require Yellow Fever vaccination. Stamaril has been made available in the U.S. as an investigational new drug although it has been in use in other countries since 1986, and was previously authorized in the U.S. during times of YF-VAX depletion. The two vaccines are manufactured by the same company and have similar dosing, protection duration, safety, and efficacy.
Policy: Effective immediately, Stamaril may be used by FAA certificated aircrew and air traffic controllers for Yellow Fever immunization. There is no mandatory no-fly time following vaccination. As always 14 CFR 61.53 applies and airmen should not fly if they are experiencing significant side effects.
The .PDF version of the policy memorandum is located at: