Class 1- Airline Transport Pilots
Class 1 Renewal exam with EKG: $220, First-time exam with EKG $240
Class 1 Renewal exams w/o EKG: $160
Class 1 First-time exams w/o EKG: $180
A. First-Class Medical Certificate: A first-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus
6-calendar months for operations requiring a first-class medical certificate if the airman is age 40 or over on or before the date of the examination, or plus
12-calendar months for operations requiring a first-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination 12-calendar months for operations requiring a second-class medical certificate, or plus
24-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate, or plus
60-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination
A person applying for first-class airman medical certification must demonstrate an absence of myocardial infarction and other clinically significant abnormality on electrocardiographic (ECG/EKG) examination:
(1) At the first application after reaching the 35th birthday; and
(2) On an annual basis after reaching the 40th birthday
An EKG will satisfy a requirement if it is dated no earlier than 60 days before the date of the application it is to accompany and was performed and transmitted according to acceptable standards and techniques.
Second-Class – Commercial Pilot; Flight Engineer; Flight Navigator; or Air Traffic Control Tower Operator (non-FAA employee). (Note: This category of air traffic controller does not include FAA employee air traffic control specialists)
Cost: Renewal exams $160, First-time exams $180
Second-Class Medical Certificate: A second-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus
12-calendar months for operations requiring a second-class medical certificate, or plus
24-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate, or plus
60-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination.
Third-Class – Private Pilot or Recreational Pilot
Cost: Renewal exams $160, First-time exams $180
Third-Class Medical Certificate: A third-class medical certificate is valid for the remainder of the month of issue; plus
24-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate, or plus
60-calendar months for operations requiring a third-class medical certificate if the airman has not reached age 40 on or before the date of examination.
Consultation Services
Cost: $200/hour (prorated at 15 minute increments).
It is common for the FAA to request additional medical records and tests from pilots in order to qualify for Special Issuances (SI). I am available for consultation services to review your medical records, helping you package all the appropriate information before sending it to the FAA office in Oklahoma City.
Additionally, you may have questions or wish to have medical records reviewed prior to proceeding with an Aviation Medical Exam. These are services that I can provide under consultation.